Monday 18 February 2013


Valentine's Day is one of the most lonely times of the year for me. As an extremely romantic person, I crave the excitement of receiving cute little cards or a pretty bouquet of roses. But, as a single girl with such high hopes, Valentine's Day becomes rather depressing. Have you been there? I know I'm not the only one who checks their inbox 7,000 times on Valentine's. :)
Last week, I was feeling lonely, boyfriend-less, and just in one of those moods where the only thing to soothe my soul was a good, hearty chat with my best buds. Bible study was exactly what I needed, and Jesus knew it too. Little did I know, he had prepared my friends' heart to share exactly what I needed to hear that night. A story that made this past Valentine's Day more exciting. This is the story that she shared. And I'll never forget it...

"When I was in college, I swore off boys because Jesus asked me to. In the back of my mind I still wanted to have that special person, but I knew He liked it just me and Him for a while. One evening, It was just me and Jesus, alone in my dorm. I was soaking in his presence and His joy filled my heart. I closed my eyes as He was talking to me - we talked about everything. As I sat there, an image jumped to my mind. It was a picture the most handsome, gorgeous man you've ever seen. Thinking it was my own imagination getting the better of me, I tried to shake it off and refocus, but my Jesus told me to wait and look closer. The man stood tall and handsome in a crisp, black tux. He stood ecstatic on my front porch, holding a dozen of the most beautiful roses you've ever seen. He looked right into my eyes, his beaming with overflowing love. At this point, I was thrilled, thinking that this was my future husband or something of the sort. I asked Him 'Who is this man?' And I'll never forget His reply 'That man is me. I wait for you every morning, holding the roses, waiting eagerly to see you. I stand at your door, eager to get just a glimpse of you, but longing so much to spend time with you. That man is me, and I LOVE YOU.'"

What a powerful story, right? When I heard it I couldn't stop squealing with girly giddy excitement (I even did a little happy dance). This was an exciting discovery, and I knew that Jesus wanted that for me too. So, who cares if that one boy likes us? We have the most dreamy perfect Man in the world, waiting to spend time with us every day. When we leave Valentine's Day feeling hurt or lonely, how much more hurt do you think our Savior is when we neglect Him? He is madly in love with us no matter what we do.

So, don't pass up the opportunity to take those dozen roses, every chance that you have, and let Jesus fill that longing we have for love. When He knows we are ready, the right man will come along, but no matter what, He will ALWAYS love us. He never gives up on us, He never fails us, and He'll never leave us #foreveralone.

We love because he first loved us. 
1 John 4:19 

...the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. 
Deuteronomy 31:6 


  1. Love it, Mary Kate!
    Thanks so much for sharing! Don't you just love it when God gives us such wonderful moments as that?? He is truly amazing and the greatest Valentine ever :)

    Have a great day and thanks again!

    ~Micaela :)

  2. I've heard the phrase over and over, "Jesus loves you." Still, this story puts it in a unique context. Every day is God's gift to us: the rain outside, the coffee in our hands, the sweat on our faces--it's all part of his gift to us. We just have to recognize that it's all from Him, and it's all for us <3

  3. That was beautiful Mary Kate! I was with you this Valentine's Day :) This is the first one I've (struggled?) had any twinges of missing out on something special. My sister has started courting a young man and they had their first Valentine's you can imagine, it was special. Don't get me wrong, I am SO happy for them, but the twinges were there all the same. As I had my devotions the next day though, I was reminded of how much love is out there and yet still needed in our world. God is there to fill us with his love, fill us to overflowing so that we might share it with others who need it.....and when those opportunities come and we share the love of Christ with others, often times He uses those people to show us His love again. Whether it be a smile, twinkle in their eye, a hand squeeze or hug.

    We don't have to wait for a young man to find "true love." The love of Christ that can fill out hearts can be found everywhere, if only we open our eyes to see it :}

    Thank you for sharing your heart!

    In Him,

    1. I'll second that, Devin! I'm usually fine with Valentine's Day, but it was a bit difficult after seeing pictures of my best friend and her boyfriend, the flowers he bought her, etc. She looked so happy, and I had to remind myself that this is God's plan for me right now, right here, and maybe someday I'll experience what she has, but it's all in His timing.


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