Thursday 14 February 2013

Winged Contentment

Yes, I am alone on Valentine's Night.

Literally, alone. I've got the place to myself. Just me, my laptop, and a steaming mug of chai spice tea.

February 14 is an excuse for a lot of things: giddy laughter, chocolate, hand-holding, candlelight, chocolate, self-pity, sad poetry, chocolate, and nasty little sugar hearts printed with trite phrases. I'd be prepared to see less of some things (except the chocolate), but one thing that I think we need to see more of (among singles and couples) is contentment.

This is something that I struggle with sometimes--who doesn't? Even the happily dating, betrothed, or wedded can have their share of pity parties.

What image does the word "contentment" bring up on the screen of your mind?

Maybe you see quiet diligence, working hard and successfully ignoring all the beautiful, but deceptive, luxuries of the world.

Maybe you see a spiritualist wacko doing a yoga pose and blissfully deluding himself into thinking the world is peachy keen.

Does that sound like a life with wings
Does that sound like the kind of life God means you to live?

What if "contentment" instead meant somebody who laughs into the face of loneliness, fear of rejection, unworthiness and grace-less-ness and sings boldly,

"God I trust you. I trust you with every ounce of blood and passion of my being that you will do abundantly more for me than I could ever imagine, and I seize with my hands and heart the magnificent blessings that you have prepared for me in this very second."

That's an attitude I could get behind. That's a brand of contentment that I could be a fan of.

Questions for comments: What is your idea of "contentment"? Is it positive or negative? Can you honestly say along with Paul, "I have learned the secret of being content"?


  1. Love this!
    My idea of contentment is being satisfied with today's grace from God I could ask for nothing else!

    1. That is a great definition, Lauralea. You're right--what more could we wish for?

  2. I remember words of wisdom from you that have resonated within me since you said them. "The goal is to be content, but never satisfied." To me, contentment is simply peace, finding peace in tribulation, beauty in bleak times. But contentment can never be a rut. We must never be satisfied, especially self-satisfied, for if we make that mistake, what use has God for someone unwilling to be moved and thus end their contentment?

    1. Thanks for bringing that to mind, cousin. It is important to challenge ourselves. Are we living in God's best, or settling for what is comfortable?

  3. Hmm..contentment to me is peace. Unreserved peace in knowing I can trust God with my future my present and my past. Peace in knowing who He is, what He is doing, what He has done and what He will do. Peace in His plans for my life, knowing He knows better than I do.

    The two verses that come to mind are Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."
    Isaiah 55:9 "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."

    This was a great post Abby! It made me think :)

    In Him,

    1. Thanks, Devin! That is a great definition of contentment. It's not about being satisfied by the status quo and never aiming higher, but it is about resting in God.


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