Monday 4 February 2013

The Proverbs 31 Daughter

We are not yet wives. We are not yet mothers. We may not have homes of our own yet. But in this moment our Lord has called us to be daughters. Not just any daughters, but those who honor Him with their whole being.

Sometimes, it's hard being a daughter. We want to be free to rule our own lives; submission can seem like a cage. Sometimes, we may want to yell or talk back. Sometimes, it seems easier to leave your room a mess than to obey. Sometimes, we just want our own way. But that is not what God calls us to be.

Before we can become praiseworthy earthly daughters, we must learn to honor and obey our Heavenly Father. When we are good daughters in God's sight, we will become good daughters towards our parents as well.

Psalm 144:12 says "May...our daughters [become] like corner pillars cut for the structure of a palace..." The corner pillars are what holds the walls together - in this case our families. God says that being a daughter is an extremely important role; the family would fall apart without its Godly daughters. We need to understand how important we are to our families. If we aren't Godly, we negatively influence others as well.

In Proverbs 31:30, the Lord says: "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." The first step in becoming Godly daughters is to lay aside our earthly desires (our obsessions) and get into God's Word daily. Spending time with our Heavenly Father is the best way to learn who He wants us to become.

As we go about our day, let's listen to the still small voice and rest in the arms of our Heavenly Father. When we honor Him, we are the daughters He called us to be.

"The King's daughter is all glorious within..." Psalm 45:13


  1. This is a wonderful blog! I am a Christian homeschooled girl myself. Each post on this blog definately 'encourages and inspires' me. Thanks so much!

  2. Aww! I'm glad to hear that we have touched you with God's love and His truths :)

    Have a wonderful day!

    Love, Mary Kate :)

  3. I love that opening paragraph, MK! You are so right. It is easy to prepare for wifehood and motherhood and ignore that we are meant to pursue godly daughterhood as well.

  4. Ditto, Abigail.

    MK, thanks again for some lovely thoughts. I love reading your posts, fair maiden. ;)

    Wait. I love everything about this blog, but still.... :)



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