Monday 29 April 2013

Break My Plans

This might go down in history as one of the shortest, most simple blog posts of all time, but I believe that this is powerful message that needs to be spoken. 

Ever had something not go your way? I sure have. As of lately, I've been struggling in the area of relationships and love. My parents and I have been talking through how old they feeling the appropriate  age to date/court is and what that would look like. And it's been frustrating because we agree on some things, but others, we seem to be butting heads. But I through all this, I hear God saying "My will be done." I realized that I need to give all of this to him. This whole situation brought a song to mind. It's by a band called This Hope and the title is "Break My Plans." This gives us a beautiful reminder that no matter what we want or we think should happen, God's plan for us is perfect (Jeremiah 29:11).

I encourage you to take a moment to listen to this beautiful song. Ask God today to break your plans and make them His.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD."
 Isaiah 55:8


  1. love this! and I need Him to break my plans too :)

  2. Hello bloggirls! You have been tagged over at my blog. The Sweetest Charm.

    Leah Nicolette


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