Monday 18 March 2013

A Servant's Heart

When I was asked to write on the topic of volunteering, I thought over a couple options of what I could talk about. What my family does to volunteer, volunteer opportunities, etc. But one thought just kept coming back (in my experience, that's usually the one from Jesus) - having the proper attitude in volunteering.

I like to invite you to read Mark 12:41-44. Pray before you read and ask God to open your heart and mind to hear His truths.

This is one of my favorite Bible stories. At first, it may seem unrelated to volunteering, but the principles illustrated here outline the attitude we should have when we give our time serving. In Bible times, the pharisees were known for their good deeds - they dedicated their time to serving the church, giving money, and praying. Sounds pretty good, right? Well, when Jesus came to earth, he had many an encounter with the Pharisees and he saw them for who they really were. Jesus knew that everything the Pharisees did was purely to make themselves look better, not to serve the Lord. In Matthew 23:27, He even calls them a "brood of vipers" and "white-washed tombs" - beautiful outside but dead within. Ouch.

Anyway, in the story, I imagine the Pharisee proudly sauntering up to the offering plate, and loudly clanging his many coins into the plate, waiting for the crowds' impressed gasps and comments. As the onlookers are still enamored by the Pharisee's grand offering, I then picture the widow, clothed in rags, taking all she has and humbly offering it to the Lord, without drawing anyone's attention. But isn't it just like Jesus to notice her? Jesus praises her for her humility and willingness to give all she had to Him just for His glory.

I believe that this is the attitude we should have in volunteering. We should serve others selflessly, loving them because he first loved us. Before we can honor God in our service, we must learn to have a servant's heart like the widow in the story - willing to give it all without any personal gain. After all, volunteering is not about what we can gain, but how much glory Jesus can gain through our service to Him.

What do you do to volunteer? Have you ever struggled with having a servant's heart in volunteering?

"Do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be the sons of the Most High..." 
Luke 6:35

1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely right, Mary Kate. The way we volunteer is just as important as what we do when we volunteer.


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