Wednesday, 14 March 2012

When I grow up...

I want to be

a ballerina

a teacher

a writer

a nurse

the list can go on...

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As a child, "growing up" seemed so far away, that you could change your mind over and over again on what you wanted to do when you were older. Yet, now you may find yourself about to face the question of what to pursue after you graduate, and the answer doesn't come as quickly!

There are so many different views on what a young lady should do once she graduates, so I would like to share of my thoughts...

Before the decision is even made, you must turn your heart to the Lord and strive to understand what He desires... what plans would glorify Him as Devin recently shared.

Each person is different... the Lord gives us all different callings... and only when we obey Him can we find true joy.
My deepest desire is to be a homemaker, mother, and wife. Homemaking is a Godly desire and one to be treasured. Yet, does that mean that once I graduate I am just going to wait for my prince charming to come and sweep me off my feet? Well, though this may be the Lord's will for some, I have the conviction that while the Lord has me single, I want to be useful for Him. During these years of waiting, I want to prepare my heart as well as my mind for what the Lord may have planned for my future.
If it is the Lord's will that I marry, I would like to have certain skills mastered so that I may use them as a tool to bless my husband. They may be such skills that I need to take college courses to accomplish them, or they may be skills that I can gain through other areas, but still, I feel as though that I need to be sharpening my mind for God's glory.

For example, I love praising the Lord in song and He has blessed me with the ability to play a few instruments.While praying about and pondering what I should do after I graduate, the thought has struck me that I should pursue my study of music, that way I can give music lessons in the future. That may be a blessing to my husband, helping him and seeking to bless our family, and a tool to glorify the Lord.
These are simply thoughts... ponderings... which fill my mind as I pray about this season of change. {Which for me is about a year away}

I do believe that the Creator has made man to be the breadwinner, and the wife to support her husband. Sadly, our generation tries to switch these God- given roles, which results in chaos and heart ache.
Only when we embrace God's design for us as woman can we truly be content.
Thus, I have the conviction to not desire a life career. Indeed, this is a conviction, one that I feel upon my heart, yet I do not judge those who feel otherwise!

Therefore, like I have previously shared, your decision regarding college/ higher education truly depends on what the Lord has convicted you about... what choice would enable you to glorify the Lord more?

So, though I have no immediate plans... I am trusting in the Lord, waiting for His wonderful plan for my future to unfold, and lifting up this matter to Him. Prayer is of utmost importance in any decision!
He knows thethoughts and desires of my heart.... yet I must be willing to submit to whatever His will is.

May we trust in the Lord with all of our heart, leaning not on our own understanding... in all areas of our life.



  1. Beautiful post, Shannon! I like what you said about not sitting around waiting "for my prince charming to come and sweep me off my feet." I believe that God put women in a supporting role in marriage, but I wonder at some girls who say their only ambition in life is to be a wife and mother. What if God doesn't bring Mr. Right into their lives right away? What are they going to do then?

    I suppose that God may have spoken to some girls and assured them that they would never have to be a breadwinner, and that He will give them a smooth transition from a home with parents to a home with a husband.

    Personally, I agree with you; I want my time of singleness to be productive and dedicated to serving the Lord and living the dreams He has planted in my heart. I will keep an eye out for whatever God has planned for me, matrimonially-speaking, but until then I will seek to sharpen my mind and my gifts to serve Him to the best of my ability!

  2. You have made a good point here. We must make the most of our current situation, single or otherwise. Our primary thought should not be to find a husband, but to serve the Lord; and if it happens that we are to serve as a wife and a mother, good for us. If not? He must have something better planned.


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