we know the early settlers of Plymouth Colony as “Pilgrims,” they probably referred to themselves as Dissenters or Separatists. They saw the Church of
England as corrupt and distanced themselves from it—quite literally—by holding
their own services, and eventually emigrating to Holland. They feared
corruption by the people they were living among, and at last settled in one of the
emptiest places possible, the New World.
sure you’re familiar with the idea that “here we are but straying pilgrims,” and this world is not our home. I think many Christians can identify with
the Separatists’ frustration with the modern church, and we long to somehow set
ourselves apart from the rest and declare that at least we have it right.
holiness means to be “different” or “separate,” then how does that relate to
being “in the world, but not of it”? Jesus told His disciples, “If you were of the world,
the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose
you out of the world, therefore the world hates you” (John 15:19), but he also
prayed to the Father, “My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you
protect them from the evil one” (John 17:15). Sounds a bit paradoxical, doesn't it?
it comes down to is this: are we called to look differently, act differently, talk
differently, sing differently, cook differently, read differently, and write differently than the world? I believe so. The Jesus-life in us should permeate every thread
of our being and make us altogether separate. But does that mean that we should
get together with our Christian homeschool friends, build a boat, and sail off
to an uncharted wilderness?
don’t think so.
164/365 After the Storm (+1), a photo by martinak15 on Flickr. |
However, there’s another part to that verse, “And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever” (1 John 2:15). We may not be perfectly holy here on earth, we are still in the world, but we have the promise that all the filth around us will be purged away, and God’s holy ones left standing in the brilliance of His grace.
Remember: God
didn't put us here to be hermits! He called us to go “into all the world” (Mark 16:15).
Do you think that the Pilgrims were "in this world but not of it"? How are you going to heed
that call today?
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