Monday, 24 December 2012

25 Days of Prophecy

((Thank you to my dear friend Melody for providing this wonderful idea))
It’s Christmas again! Can you believe it? This is the time of year for love, for joy, and most importantly, for reminiscing over the birth of our glorious Savior, Jesus Christ. As fellow Christian church-going women, I’m sure we can all relate to hearing the story of our Savior’s birth at every church service, at every youth group Christmas party, and in plenty of Adventures in Odyssey re-runs. We’ve all heard it told so many times we could recite the entire story before you could say “have a holly, jolly Christmas.”
If we were honest with ourselves, would we agree that over the years, time after time of hearing it, maybe the Christmas story has lost it’s’s wonder. Is it possible that we get so wrapped up in ourselves, in finding the perfect Christmas presents, in decorating a tree, that we forget to fall to our faces before the awe-inspiring GLORY of our Savior? 
For me, I know this has become a reality.
Let’s take a look into the Word of God to re-discover how AMAZING this story really is...
Jesus’s birth was nothing ordinary. In fact, every detail about his birth was predicted thousands of years before it happened - it was prophesied. Isaiah 7:14 predicts that his mother will be a virgin (which is amazing enough by itself) and that Jesus will be called Immanuel. One of my favorites comes from Isaiah 11:1 where it claims that the Messiah will be a direct descendant of Jesse, King David’s father. Mary’s roots can be directly traced back to Jesse, (here comes the cool part) but so can Joseph’s. What are the chances that two descendants of King David live in the same area and are pledged to be married to each other? From where Jesus was born, all the way to details of his crucifixion, Jesus’s life was written beforehand by the power of the Holy Spirit. 
Still not impressed? This next one will blow you away.
God the Father sent His Son - the thing He loved most - to earth KNOWING (Zechariah 12:10) that He would die for undeserving, dirty, rotten sinners. For us. For you. God KNEW the agony and torture he would be put through. He KNEW that they would spit and jeer while His flesh burned with pain. But He did it anyway, willingly. Because He loves us. 
Jesus’s birth is the only reason we are alive today. He is the only reason our Christmases can be filled with joy and peace and love. His birth is the reason for the season! The reason for every day! 
The next time we hear the Christmas story, just remember that the birth of that little baby is the reason you are alive. Remember that that little baby saved your soul. That little baby paved the way to your eternity with God. 

1 comment:

  1. That is so true, Mary Kate! It's easy to forget the wonder of Christmas in the midst of the hustle and bustle. Thanks for reminding us :)


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