Monday, 21 January 2013

Our Calling.

As the next generation of Godly women, we are called to be a lot of things. We are to be pure, kind, meek, loving, honest...and the list goes on. In a nutshell, we are to honor Jesus in everything.

Above all of these, there is one thing that Jesus commands all of His followers to be active in constantly. And that is proclaiming His Word.

I'd like to invite you grab a cup of coffee and a snuggly blanket and open your Bible to Luke 19:11 - 27. Take your time to breathe it in and really study His Words - His letter to you. Make sure to pray for guidance before reading.

In this passage, Jesus tells the tale of a Master who gave each of his servants the same amount of minas (ancient currency). Every servant chose to do something different with their minas. Two of them made as much interest on the money as possible as to please their Master. The other simply choose to hide it away in fear of rejection, punishment, and losing his mina. 

Our Master has rewarded us all with minas (which in our case, is the gift of the Gospel). We all have the same thing. But, it's up to is what we do with it. Do we hide it away from the rest of the world like the unfaithful because we're scared? Maybe we should go and read what the Master had to say to THAT guy in verses 26 and 27: "He replied, ‘I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but as for the one who has nothing, even what they have will be taken away. But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.' " 

So what can we do with our minas? Even a glass of water given in the name of Jesus will be used for His Glory! Share His Word and His Love with others today...everyday! Share because you choose to use what your Master has given you for good! Share because you want to hear Jesus say "well done, good and faithful servant." Share because Jesus gave His life.

What will you do with your mina?


  1. Well said, Mary Kate, and very encouraging!! It is so easy for us as Christians to get comfortable in our Christianity, and rarely if ever share the Good News of Christ's redeeming power.I know there have been many times that I could have spoken up and didn't. I'm so glad you shared this....thanks for posting!

    In Christ,

    Micaela :)

  2. I struggle with getting too comfortable also...that's why it's SO important to build each other up as sisters in the Lord. Thanks for the encouraging words :)

    <3 Mary Kate

  3. Great, great concepts here, Mary Kate. You're right, it's so easy to forget that we are called to invest what we have been given--and we don't have all the time in the world!

    How will I invest my mina today? By sacrificing myself to show love to others.



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