We all have them some are... they are gifts to be cherished.
They add joy and laughter to our life...
They help us and pray for us when we face struggles...
They cry when we cry, and giggle along with us as we giggle...
They encourage us to walk with the Lord each day...
They forgive us when we fall short and accidentally hurt them...
They are a tool that the Lord uses to sharpen us...
Friends are to reflect His love, which is patient, kind, not envious or rude, seeking the interests of others, and placing others desires first before your own... forgiving each other and helping each other to be more like Christ.
"A friend loves at all times,
and a brother is born for adversity."Proverbs 17:17
Friends are faithful to you, sticking to your side in the good times and bad...
They are tools that the Lord uses to help you grow in Christ.
Yet in thinking about what friends are... or rather what they are to be, I must ask myself "Am I that kind of friend?"
When struggles arrive or hardships come, am I a faithful friend?
Do I love like Christ, seeking others interests above my own?
Do I encourage others by my words, or do I hurt them with careless lips?
Am I forgiving, patient, and merciful?
In striving to be like Christ, we must daily pray for His strength to help us be faithful to the friends that He has given us... that our friendships may reflect His love, faithfulness, and joy.
I know that I have fallen short, that I have not always been a faithful and loving friend, but the Lord is teaching me, and through HIS strength alone do I seek to be a faithful friend.
Value the sweet kindred spirits in your life... cherish and treasure those whom the Lord has sent into your life to add encouragement, joy, and to help guide you as you tread on this narrow path... may we
strive to be a faithful friend, loving like Christ, and reflecting His light!
Godly friends are tools which the Lord uses to mold you and sanctify you, as Proverbs 27:17 says...
"Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another."
and one man sharpens another."
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