Monday, 2 April 2012

A Lamp Unto my Feet

Try walking around in a room  blindfolded.  It isn't easy.  Even in a place you know well, you will bump against objects you forget are there because of the lack of one of your five senses.

Lantern by m.prinke
Lantern, a photo by m.prinke on Flickr.
It is the same in our Christian walk. We live in a dark world full of stumbling blocks to those who walk on the narrow way. While fumbling around in the darkness, it is easy to get lost or confused by lies the world tries to tell you or whatever it may be that causes you to fall.

When we walk the path of life and can't see past a few feet, we can loose our way or run into obstacles and stumble because of being in the dark!  That's why we need a lamp to light our way. 

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." 
~Psalm 119:105

Wedding Lanterns by TheGiantVermin
Wedding Lanterns, a photo by TheGiantVermin on Flickr.

We can obtain this lamp by going to God's word for guidance or direction.  
So, if you ever wonder what direction to take, just stop, pray, and look to His Word for answers... 
For it will be a light unto your path!    

{disclaimer: photos via google images}


  1. Totally true and totally encouraging <3


  2. That is really neat and encouraging.

  3. ::Molly & Braelyn::

    I am glad that my post was an encouragement to you! It is always good to hear your thoughts. :)



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